News and Announcements

13th October, 2024

21st Sunday after Pentecost (External Solemnity of St John Henry Newman)

New cardinal for Australia from Ukrainian Eparchy

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Late last Sunday night (Melbourne time) the announcement was made in Rome of the creation of new Cardinals. Many aspects of this are of interest, but what is especially noteworthy for us is the elevation of His Grace Mykola Bychok, Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy for Australia, New Zealand & Oceania, to the Sacred College. As the Eparch’s Cathedral is in Melbourne, we can rejoice in the privilege of a Cardinal who is resident in our city.

The essential role of the Cardinals is to be electors of the Roman Pontiff, and to provide their counsel to him. The College of Cardinals expresses the “Romanity” of the Church, as its members represent the clergy of Rome, who elected the Pope in the first Millenium. For this reason, each Cardinal receives a “Titular” Church in the Diocese of Rome. The red vesture of the Cardinals symbolises their obligation to shed their blood in defence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Faith delivered to Her.

The Catholic Faith was established in what we now recognise as Ukraine, with the conversion of Vladimir the Great and the baptism of many of his subjects, in 988 in Kievan Rus. Ukrainian Catholics have endured extraordinary sufferings through the centuries, down to the present, on account of their fidelity to the Church and their communion with the Roman Pontiff. Our new Cardinal had his Faith and character forged in a Church that has been faithful and fervent under persecution. His Ukrainian flock will now not be the only ones to benefit from his outstanding pastoral leadership.


We have keenly felt the loss of George Cardinal Pell since his death in Rome less than two years ago. Now, in the mysterious ways of Providence, a new light arises in the East with the elevation of Bishop Bychok to the Sacred College. At 44, the Cardinal-Elect is the youngest member of the College. Let our prayers for him accompany our high hopes for his courageous leadership, and faithful witness to Christ, in Australia and beyond, for many decades ahead! Vivat Pastor bonus!

In Domino et Domina,

Fr Glen Tattersall PP

Parish Picnic/BBQ - Sunday, 13th October: following Solemn Mass for the External Solemnity of our Patron, St John Henry Newman, we will have a Parish Picnic & BBQ in the grounds of Maryvale. BBQ’d meats, salads, soft drinks, desserts and tea & coffee will be provided. A donation of $15 per person or $30 for families is requested to defray costs. Anyone wishing to assist is invited to contact Peter Janssen on 0414963282.

The Circle of the Immaculate Heart will be hosting a session for the mothers of this parish, with a focus primarily on those expecting, new mums, as well as other mums who would simply like some support. The introductory session will be held on the 20th of October from 9-10am in the school hall. The session will explore common issues mothers face and ways in which the Immaculate Heart Circle can support mothers on their journey. If you would like to attend, please register your interest by email with the secretary, providing your name, contact details and the ages of your children. Please rsvp by Friday 18th of October.

November Masses: In November, the month of the Holy Souls, we especially pray for the Faithful departed. Above all, we have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for their eternal repose. For this purpose, November envelopes are now available. The minimum stipend for one November Mass (by Archdiocesan law) is $20. Put the names of the deceased you wish to be remembered on the envelopes provided and place them in either Sunday collection. General Mass intention envelopes are also available in the vestibule, to arrange for Mass to be offered for any other intention.

First Confession & First Holy Communion – registration:The following children have been registered for first confession and First Holy Communion in December: Matea Babic, Michele Caruso, Isabel & Sophie Gorzkowski, Milan Kolembus, Ambrose Sidhu and Jacob Wienberger. First Holy Communion will be at the Solemn Mass on Sunday, 8th December (the feast of the Immaculate Conception). The usual age for First Confession and First Holy Communion is seven. We need to receive any last minute registrations by Wednesday 16th October. Please email the Secretary, and indicate the child’s date of Baptism (if the Baptism was in the Newman Parish), or otherwise provide a copy of the certificate of Baptism. Sacramental preparationwill be given in the Parish Sunday school, or otherwise by arrangement.

40 Days for Life From 25th September to 3rd November parishioners are invited to take part in an international campaign against abortion. For 40 days, volunteers fast and pray from home or near a Melbourne abortion facility. For details of location and other information, including how to sign up, visit You can also speak to your parish contact: Josephine Okon - 0405180979. Donations gratefully accepted and will go to supporting local pregnancy support. 40 Days for Life Melbourne BSB: 063 167 ACC: 11053337

Registrations are still open for the Christus Rex Pilgrimage in October: visit We warmly encourage participation in the pilgrimage, which is a three day walk from St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat, to Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo, from Friday 25th - Sunday 27th October. .

Planned Giving

The Parish of St John Henry Newman

Mass and Confession Times

Masses at St Aloysius’: 13th October to 20th October


Mass Times



  • 8.00 am
  • 10.30 am Solemn Mass
  • 3.30 pm Solemn Vespers & Benediction
  • 5.00 pm Low Mass
  • 21st Sunday after Pentecost/External Solemnity of St John Henry Newman


  • 7.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • St Callixtus I, Pope, Martyr


  • 7.00 am
  • 8.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • St Teresa, Virgin, Doctor


  • 7.00 am
  • 8.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • St Hedwig, Widow


  • 7.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin


  • 7.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • 6.00 pm
  • St Luke, Evangelisty


  • 8.00 am
  • 10.00 am
  • 5.00 pm (Kealba)
  • St Peter of Alcantara, Confessor


  • 8.00 am Low Mass
  • 10.30 am Solemn Mass
  • 5.00 pm Low Mass
  • 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

    Confessions: Weekdays & Saturday mornings after each Mass; Sunday before and during each Mass.

    The Parish of St John Henry Newman


    Externity Solemnity of St John Henry Newman and Parish BBQ

    Sunday, 13th September