Supporting the Newman Parish

Servers/singers/sacristans wanted

The work of the Sacred Liturgy, especially its Solemn celebration, cannot be successfully carried out only by the clergy. It is the work of the whole Church, and the lay Faithful have a personal responsibility to contribute their time and talents. Nowhere is this more the case than in the traditional Latin Liturgy, which can only be sustained over the long term when significant numbers of the Faithful are prepared to immerse themselves in the rich culture which supports it.

We are in need of more Catholic men and youth to offer themselves for the service of the Altar and the Sacristy, and of the Faithful of both sexes to assist with Sacred Music. Anyone interested in serving, singing, or helping in the sacristy, is urged to speak to the Fathers or contact the office.

Support our Seminarians

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

At present we are privileged to have a vocation nurtured in the Parish, returned to us after Ordination, as the Newman Parish's Assistant Priest: Fr Shawn Murphy IBP.

Currently, we have two men from the Parish in priestly formation: Angelo Pardo, who is completing First Year with the Institute of the Good Shepherd at their Seminary of St Vincent de Paul in Courtelain, France; and Anthony Ike, now a senior seminarian with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, in Lincoln, Nebraska (USA).

Above all, those from our Parish responding to God’s call are entitled to the support of our prayers. They also need financial support to pay their seminary board and fees, and the personal expenses they incur during their years of formation.

Thank you to those benefactors who are already supporting “our" seminarians. I encourage parishioners who have not yet done so, to consider making either a one off or regular contribution to assist the seminarians with the costs of their formation, and associated expenses. Contributions should be deposited in the following dedicated account:

Latin Mass (Melbourne) Trust
A/c # 167 975 267
BSB: 633 108

Thank you for your consideration.

Devotedly in Christ,

Fr Glen Tattersall PP